If you’re looking for catering professionals who care as much about their service as they do providing tasty, homemade food, then Hog Roast Cambourne is the easy choice to make. We have spent many years ensuring our customers and their guests are treated to both, and our high standards are very hard to beat. From the first phone call to the time we’re clearing away, we are passionate about offering an excellent, personal service, and it shows in the number of repeat customers that we have. It’s also clear that we’re passionate about the food that we make – much it from scratch and at your venue, so you can see how fresh it is – but we are also dedicated to offering plenty of choice and variety too, as we know not everyone’s tastes are the same.

Whether you need personal or dietary tastes catering, Hog Roast Cambourne will do you proud. We have many menus for you to peruse and you can mix and match items between menus if needed, or even create your own bespoke menu if preferred. You may want a hog roast cooked for most of your guests but a vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free main adding (or even all three), or perhaps you want a spit-roast main with several accompaniments and a dessert; either way, we are here to make sure everyone is well-fed at your event, regardless of taste or diet.
One of our hugely popular menus is our Southern Slow Roast, as it gives you three marinated meats and four side dishes, as well as a veggie option, so everyone will be satisfied. One of our long-term customers, Jack, has often asked us to cook a hog roast for his guests, but for this wintry party, he instead asked us to warm everyone up with a Southern Slow Roast featuring pork, chicken and lamb as well as corn cobettes, jacket potatoes, coleslaw and spicy wedges, and veggie kebabs for the vegetarian guests.
On the day of the party, Hog Roast Cambourne arrived a few hours before service and got to work cooking the marinated meats until tender and soft. By the time the guests had all arrived at Jack’s home, there was plenty of food ready to be devoured, with something for everyone.