Hog Roast Chatteris Providing Everyone’s Favourite – Hog Roast Rolls

On a chilly, wet December morning recently, Hog Roast Chatteris set off to a local school where we would be preparing, cooking and serving a hog roast centrepiece for up to a hundred guests. We have the words ‘hog roast’ Continue reading Hog Roast Chatteris Providing Everyone’s Favourite – Hog Roast Rolls

Corporate Christmas Parties with Hog Roast Yaxley!

The Christmas countdown has officially begun, and Hog Roast Yaxley are already being inundated with Christmas requests. We offer an extensive Christmas party menu that includes all the traditional festive foods you could imagine plus many of your Hog Roast Continue reading Corporate Christmas Parties with Hog Roast Yaxley!

Alex’s – Mcgregor vs Khabib Party Catered By Hog Roast Burwell!

Since leaving university, Alex rarely saw much of his close friends despite keeping in close contact. It had been months since they’d seen each other and it was Alex’s turn to organise their next get-together. On the weekend of Saturday Continue reading Alex’s – Mcgregor vs Khabib Party Catered By Hog Roast Burwell!